The R Gary Ashley Audio Podcast

New Beginning Community Church is composed of Christians continuing the ministry of Jesus Christ in the world today! The church’s life is based on five commands of Jesus: Worship, Word, Prayer, Evangelism, and Ministry.

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21 hours ago

Summary: The Sermon on the Mount begins where it must begin. Jesus reveals the steps necessary for a person to enter the Christian counterculture. Jesus said the gate into God's Kingdom is narrow and difficult to enter. This sermon examines the only pathway into God's Kingdom.
Sermon Outline

5 days ago

In the Old Testament, the Nation of Israel was intended to be God's Counterculture in the World.  The Nation refused to life up to God's expectations.  In the New Testament, the Church/Christians are to be God's Counterculture.  God expects us to be distinct and different from the evil world around us.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explains the principles by which we are to live.

Be Strong In The Lord

Monday Aug 26, 2024

Monday Aug 26, 2024

Satan's power on earth has three different phases.  First, he had full power before Jesus came to earth.  Second, his power was limited by Jesus when Jesus was raised from the dead.  Third, Satan's power will be restored at the end of the church age and just before the return of Jesus to earth.
We may be living in this third phase.  Satan's power may have reached its apex.  This phase will conclude when Satan rallies his demonic forces and the people of this evil world in one final attempt to overthrow God and regain control of the world.  This period will be the most difficult in human history.  What are we to do?
God has given us an armor to protect us.  My sermon today will explain how were can put on this armor and still be standing when the battle is over. 

Finding True Meaning in Life

Monday Aug 19, 2024

Monday Aug 19, 2024

The book of Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon when he was an old man. As he looked back on life, he identified things that are meaningless and things that are meaningful. This sermon identifies each of these topics and reveals how to pursue the things that are truly meaningful and worthy of our attention.

Basking In The Peace Of God

Monday Aug 12, 2024

Monday Aug 12, 2024

We live in a world filled with turmoil and anxiety.  Fortunately, Jesus makes his peace available to his followers.  In today's sermon, I will share with you five steps to experience God's peace. This sermon is based on Philippians 4:4-6! 

Is God Paying Attention?

Monday Aug 05, 2024

Monday Aug 05, 2024

Deism is a theology that states God created the universe but he is no longer involved in the lives of man. The people of Israel who returned to their land after the Babylonian captivity lived as if Deism was true.  
God, through the prophet Malachi, informed the Jews of their great mistake.  God pointed out seven areas of displeasure he had with his Chose People.  In my sermon today, we will investigate God's charges against his people and how they apply to us today.
Outline: Here

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024

My sermon this week comes from the last letter written by Apostle Paul which is Second Timothy.  In it, he gives a waring to all churches concerning false teachers who try to worm their way into the church to cause problems.  
Sermon From July 21st 2024. A message given to New Beginning Community Church in Gadsden, Alabama.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024

Sermon From June 23rd 2024. A message given to New Beginning Community Church in Gadsden, Alabama.

A Disturbing Trend

Monday Jul 29, 2024

Monday Jul 29, 2024

Sermon From July 28th 2024. A message given to New Beginning Community Church in Gadsden, Alabama.

Christian Vocabulary Part 2

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

A message given to New Beginning Community Church in Gadsden, Alabama.


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