The R Gary Ashley Audio Podcast

New Beginning Community Church is composed of Christians continuing the ministry of Jesus Christ in the world today! The church’s life is based on five commands of Jesus: Worship, Word, Prayer, Evangelism, and Ministry.

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Christian Vocabulary Part 1

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

A message given to New Beginning Community Church in Gadsden, Alabama.

The Holy Spirit of God

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

This is an essential topic for every believer as we seek to grow in our faith and experience the fullness of God’s presence in our lives. The Holy Spirit is not just a concept or a doctrine, but a living, dynamic person who desires to interact with us and empower us for the work of the Kingdom.
Now, before we dive into the specifics, let’s address a common misconception about the Holy Spirit. Some people view him as an impersonal force or energy, something akin to a cosmic power source. Others might perceive him as a mysterious, ethereal presence that only manifests in unusual or supernatural ways.
While the Holy Spirit is certainly powerful and can operate in extraordinary ways, he is first and foremost a person, just as God the Father and Jesus Christ are persons.

Wednesday May 22, 2024

A message given to New Beginning Community Church in Gadsden, Alabama.

Connecting the Dots

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

A message given to New Beginning Community Church in Gadsden, Alabama.


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